Metadata reflects and opens up the questions of borders between private and public. How much we depend on digital technologies and what kind of future may it bring. The viewer is confronted after entering the space with a crowd of people standing around in a space that is aided by video mapping by extending the real world. This format uses cave projection to create a new illusory space and thus support the immersiveness of the work. Individuals featured in this work are filmed using greenscreen technology and are composed around the viewer. They direct their gaze to the center of the room, where we can expect the viewer will tend to stand. Assuming that it will be one person, se the views of the depicted persons focus on the viewer and thus place him in a position "observed". However, he also becomes part of the crowd. The initial image consists of filmed video footage of the extras standing in idle mode. At predetermined intervals, "real" people will start transform into their digital "self" represented by a 3D model of their person. Parallel to recording the video and the 3D model, fine movements that a person makes while standing still will also be recorded using motion capture technology. Motion data adds another dimension to the digital personality that makes it is possible to identify individuals in a crowd because of the way we move is unique to each of us. The final step in this work is utilization and display this data first in the form of a skeleton, which is used for representation in 3D animation programs and the projection is completed by recoding this data into a numerical representation in 3D space, relativized in the XYZ axes.

The resulting work symbolically conveys,with the help of computer tools and artificial intelligence, the gradual process of digitalization from a "real" person to a data fingerprint extracted and freed from the physical box.
