Red Shift, 2022

Red Shift project started as an idea of pushing the technology of nanostructure holograms to the next level. We have seen the simple one image version and proof of concepts but we wanted to explore the possibilities it could have on moving image and time-based media. At first I wanted to base this piece around the physical phenomena of red shifting and metaphorically portray the effect and its vast time and space character with the idea of an object so old its light turns invisible. But as time passed and together with my colleague we discussed the similarities and differences of our field of work we found out that the need to play and have fun with the work you do is crucial. So we decided to scratch everything we had and just to have fun and create something no-one would expect. We decided to bring the post-internet prank culture into the gallery space and as the visual content create the world's smallest rickroll. With the nature and physical limitations of the sample we transferred the virtual .gif into the physical space. We had set the maximum number of frames to 96 spread around into approx. 25mm circle, thus creating a loop animation. Each frame is around 100 microns big. The final visual aspect was selected and crafted to resemble the nature of home experiments and the experimental nature of scientific research. A narrow green laser beam is pointed on the frames and by the power of FFT projects the image on a projection surface. The text accompanying the installation relates to the original idea, that doesn't correspond to the final result and so getting everyone who visits and sees the piece #rickrolled.

This project was based on collaboration with Ondřej Červinka, researcher at CEITEC Nano, who focuses his work on metamaterials and nano structures. Ondřej was a valuable colleague with his extensive knowledge and the time he put into finding a way to manufacture the samples. We spread our workload into 2 parts. My part was to prepare the conceptual basis and establish the context in fine arts world, together with figuring out the visual, mechanical and electronics part of the project and final realization. Ondřej's part was to find a way how to transfer images into correct nanostructure grid, where he worked on custom script, that takes the visual data and translates it into the nanostructure grid. After that he worked on the sample production using electron-beam lithography. During both our parts we consulted each others progress and shared ideas how to get the result we wanted and needed.
